Calf Roping Practice

Monday Nights 7:30pm – 9:30pm

Come One, Come All, everyone one is welcome!

The Lone Star Cowboy Church recognizes that there are folks in Ellis and surrounding counties who do not have access to a covered arena close to them.  We are listening and we have a covered arena for Calf & Breakaway Roping Practice.
This is a perfect place to ride during poor weather conditions. If you need to get ready for an upcoming jackpot or just need a place for fine tuning your horse, then this is the place to be!

PRACTICE: $20/person & $10 per each additional horse

STUDENTS:  Ground Lesson $10/person or Arena Lessons $20/person (ground lessons included).  Beginning roping lessons start on the ground to learn proper swing and delivery of the rope to catch consistently.  Roping Lessons progress to horsemanship (own your own horse) is $20/per person with the introduction of tracking live cattle with horse and rider always in mind.

LSCC Arena is open from 2nd week of January through the 3rd week of December. Only times arena is not available on Monday night is if a church event (Octoberfest-October 31st), Christmas week, and New Year week.

RULES:  Current Coggins required, and Service dogs only allowed.
More Info, please contact: Terry Hewitt 314-565-0325

Need a nice arena to hold your event, please contact Tinker Files 469-358-2424.

Join Lone Star Cowboy Church Arena to keep up to date with arena practice/events!


RULES:  Current Coggins required, and Service dogs only allowed. To participate in any events or practices we are required to inform you of the following:

  1. Do not come, If you have been around anyone with COVID-19.
  2. Do not come, if you had a temperature over 100.4°F (38°C) or have been sick in the last week.
  3. Do not come, if you have traveled outside of Texas.
  4. If you are 65 or older with health issues, we encourage you to put your safety first.  Come at your own risk.
  5. We encourage you to wear a mask or stay 6 feet apart.
  6. You will take your Temperature before you come.  If your temperature is above the required range, please do not come. Adult/Children:  97°F (36.1°C) to 99°F (37.2°C)
  7. If any of the requirements have not been met, you cannot participate in the Lone Star Cowboy Church Arena.

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Ministry Leader


Wednesday Cowboy Worship (Adult) & Wrangler Fellowship (Children, Youth, Teens)

Wednesday, Lone Star Cowboy Church

Wednesday Cowboy Worship (Adult) & Wrangler Fellowship (Children, Youth, Teens)

Wednesday, Lone Star Cowboy Church

Wednesday Cowboy Worship (Adult) & Wrangler Fellowship (Children, Youth, Teens)

Wednesday, Lone Star Cowboy Church